DIY Manual Lymphatic Workshop. New dates announced. Sign up now!
The Lymphatic System is getting a lot of attention lately, and rightly so! After all, it's a major component of our immune system, helping to fight illness and clear away pathogens, toxins, and metabolic debris. It can also help keep skin glowing, speed recovery from injury and illness, and help increase performance before and after exercise or training. This simple, elegant system impacts every part of our body, yet it's one of the easiest to care for on our own.
In this comprehensive two day workshop you will learn what the Lymphatic System does, why it's important, and how to care for it, as well as when to leave it alone. Along with gaining a deeper understanding of the system, by the end of this workshop you will know how to clear all the major lymph nodes in the body, and clear the full lymphatics of the neck and head. This workshop is a prerequisite to future workshops covering the upper and lower quadrants of the body.
This is a live, in-person workshop that takes place at McKinnon Body Therapy Center. Sign up directly by following the link below.
The content in this workshop includes the first two sessions that would be performed in a personal MLD massage series, a $320 value, as well as educational content to take home.
Cost: $195
Sunday, August 20th and 27th.
9:00 am - 1:00 pm PST
McKinnon BTC
2940 Webster St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 465-3488
Why is this workshop spread across two weekends?
While the Lymphatic System is easy to access and care for, MLD is deeply profound, systemic work and a little goes a long way. In order to minimize possible discomfort from detoxification, giving the body a break between clearings allows participants to adapt to the work and monitor changes. Therefor, moving into this work slowly at first is recommended.
Why are we only clearing the neck and head? Can’t we clear the entire body in one day?
Again, a little goes a long way and that would take a LONG time. In fact, performing MLD on an entire body takes about 6 hours, and is divided up into 3-4 separate sessions!
Will you have workshops to clear the rest of the Lymphatic System?
Yes! There will be separate workshops that cover the upper and lower quadrants of the body in the coming months. Stay tuned!
Who shouldn’t do Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
MLD is safe for most people, but there are a few important exceptions:
MLD is contraindicated and inappropriate for those experiencing the following conditions: Organ Failure, including heart, liver, and kidney; Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and those at high risk of clots and/or stoke; Pulmanery Edema, COPD/Emphysema; Lymphoma.
For those with asthma, care should be taken to monitor breathing and having an inhaler on hand is recommended. In rare cases MLD can trigger an asthma attack and should not be attempted if the condition is not under control.
For those with Lymphedema, this method can be highly beneficial, however it should be done under the guidance and supervision of a CDT professional. Please consult your doctor or Complete Decongestive Therapist before preforming MLD on yourself.
MLD is temporarily contraindicated when an acute infection is present, and should be avoided until symptoms have cleared. Symptoms/conditions may include fever, Flu, colds, sore throat, Covid-19, rashes that are red and warm to the touch, etc. This is a temporary modification, and MLD can be very beneficial after the initial infection has passed.
This workshop does not replace the guidance and supervion of a medical doctor and it is recommended that all participants consult a medical professional before participating in/preforming any of the methods discussed in this MLD workshop.